Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Morality of Fiscal Conservatism.

Here is the problem with what the fiscal left says: they seem to think that the people who have money have money because they *just happened* to stumble across it when in fact a large majority of those people have worked for it. They seem to think that a person’s worth is equal to his money, but has it not occurred to them that perhaps a person’s money is equal to his worth? Where do they think money comes from? The ground? Do they think it grows on trees, but only in the backyards of certain people? I’ll let you in on a little secret: every single dollar was the result of hard work. Every single dollar came to its earner through an exchange of goods. Now there are people who have inherited it, but those people got it from the person who earned it in exchange for a very special kind of good: the product of a happier life for their descendents. And if it’s their money, what’s wrong with that? Why do the liberals care what they do with it?

Should we discriminate against those who earn, simply because we don’t earn? Should we pick on those who produce simply because we do not? Should the people who earn, and produce, and work, receive the same benefits as those who fail to? What about the doctors? Those people whose job it is to save lives? Have you not thought of the disaster to them and their families if you were to cut their wages below what their services are worth? You’re probably thinking "oh they make too much money anyway". Do they? How about this: next time YOUR life is at risk don’t go to the doctor. Don’t. Demand lower prices. Oh wait! You won’t! Why not? Because that service is worth its price. If they overpriced their product no one would buy it.

And their services are not yours to command. Their skills, their time, their efforts, are not yours to socialize. You have no right to take someone else’s money to fund your own may I say selfish programs. I often here from the left, on the topic of abortion, that I have no right to force my morals on others. Why does that only apply to me? If I can’t force my values of human life on others, neither should you be able too. You can’t have it both ways, either morals are or are not transferable.

But of course you probably don’t feel like the rich are being discriminated against. They look so well off! But the fact is they pay almost all of our taxes. Every single penny the government spends comes from the pockets of the rich. If a local airlines offered golden cards memberships to those who had spent the last time and money on their industry wouldn’t it be ridiculous? Yet that’s what our government does to its citizens. If anyone deserves exclusive government benefits who should it are? The people who need it or the people who earned it? Shall I rephrase? The people who worked or those that didn’t? The people who are worth something to the world economy, or the people who are not?

The 14th amendment says "equal protection under the law". Guess what guys: that doesn’t mean equality.
What about
"equal protection" from taxes? From AA programs? Why is it okay to fight inequality with inequality? Do you expect people to continue working and producing when the benefits of doing so are decreased? Why does the 14th amendment not seem to apply to the rich, the white, or the men?

Here’s another problem: you seem to think that healthcare is somehow discriminatingly handed out. As though hobos are turned away for being too smelly, or perhaps not being dressed properly. The truth is anyone who earned the money, anyone who worked and contributed to society, has the ability to enter healthcare. There’s no discrimination, its just people don’t work, so don’t earn, so don’t have the money. Some people are working their butts off now, but they are paying for not having worked hard earlier in life. Fact is anyone, ANYONE, in modern day America can achieve healthcare. It’s all about your decisions. if you choose to go play video games instead of studying, or if you choose to have sex before marriage and have a child early, or if you CHOOSE to drop out of high school or not go to college, or perhaps do drugs, you are directly affecting your ability to have healthcare. YOU. YOUR DECISIONS.

There’s a little something that the liberal left would like to convince you doesn’t exist. They don’t like it. They think it’s somehow unfair. That thing is called "personal accountability". For those of you who have been living in liberalland for so long you don’t know what that is, it is the idea that the people who should pay for mistakes made are the people who make those mistakes. The people who don’t make mistakes should not have to pay for the mistakes of others. ZOMG what a crazy idea! People paying for their own actions! You are probably so used to things like the graduated income tax and the various welfare programs that you’re all wired to think that the person who has to pay for mistakes is the person who can handle it, the person who probably didn’t make as many mistakes or else he wouldn’t have the means to handle those consequences. It’s the difference between paying for your actions and paying for the actions of OTHERS. Is that fair, after all?

Now I am not saying don’t give to the poor, don’t be compassionate, don’t care, don’t love. I am saying do all of those things, but do it with your own money. Don’t use my means for your ends. Keep your grubby little hands out of my wallet. Theft is wrong even when it’s legal

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